Blacktip Reef Sharks #YouShouldKnow
📷: A Blacktip Reef Shark (Robin Riggs)
There are sharks native to Singapore called blacktip reef sharks, named after their characteristic black fin tips. The blacktip reef sharks can typically grow up to 1.6m in length, or even 2.9m in some cases. These sharks are commonly found in shallow coastal waters with abundant prey such as small fish and crustaceans, and are a popular species in reef and dive tourism.
Their colour provides camouflage from danger above and below – their dark backs help them to blend in with the dim seafloor, and their white bellies with the brighter ocean surface. Occasionally sighted in brackish water, these blacktip reef sharks pose little threat to humans and are a common shark encounter for divers on reefs in their home waters.
Unfortunately, the blacktip reef sharks have been classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as ‘Vulnerable’; a step before endangered, with a decreasing population. Its population has been declining due to overfishing and marine pollution which adversely affected their coral reef habitats. Rising sea levels from climate change have also threatened their food sources and habitats. Additionally, these sharks have also been ensnared by fishing gear such as gillnets and longlines from irresponsible fishing practices.
#YouShouldKnow that sharks are crucial to maintain the delicate balance of marine life, and conservation efforts are essential to ensure the survival of these blacktip reef sharks. Restrictions like marine protected areas, or fishing regulations to promote responsible and sustainable fishing practices could only do so much. Ultimately, it is up to all of us to build in a consciousness of conservation to ensure that these sharks and their habitats are protected and conserved for our future generations to enjoy.
#Sharks #BlacktipReefSharks #Conservation #Singapore #SharkRescue #MarineConservation
🎥: Watch Blacktip Reef Sharks here Paradise Palawan)